Tuesday, May 1, 2012


I've been watching a lot of Supernatural lately. The last episode I watched was about vampires. This is what I got out of it. -Ash

Monday, April 9, 2012

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Once in a while, as I descend my spiral staircase, yawning to greet the new day, I say a quick "Hi" to the random person standing by the heater, trying to stay warm in our drafty, former barn of a house. "That's funny," I think, "usually Moss is standing by the heater, warming his buttocks."

Who is this guy and why is he blocking all the heat? He didn't pay for it!

Only then do I recognize the familiar plaid pajama pants, hairy stomach, and buzzed haircut. It doesn't help that he's not wearing his glasses, though that will give me the advantage if it comes down to fisticuffs. Without them his visual acuity is limited to colorful objects and designs known to the common man as "Art."

What drives a man to dispose of his signature facial hair?

I do not know. I do not know...


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Double Love

iPhones tend to do this thing where, if you fail to respond to your phone the first time you get a message, it reminds you again. This seems like a good idea except that it often seems like you've just received two times the actual amount of messages. I find that annoying.

...with, of course, a few exceptions...


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

America: The Movie

So I'm not a huge fan of football, but I was asked (forced) to watch some of it as a result of the Super Bowl. I wasn't going to complain. Hanging out with people is fun. Plus, it's funny to watch a bunch of grown men care so much about getting a ball from one end of a field to the other. It's almost like watching a bunch of grown men get really excited about playing video games, but that's only cool if the game involves shooting other people or getting a ball from one end of a field to the other.

Throughout the streaming video there were, of course, commercials. These are, as everybody knows, the best part of the Super Bowl, but when you've chosen to stream said event the same two commercials just repeat endlessly. This is where I learned of Act of Valor.

Act of Valor is a new action movie based around actual events and portrayed by Active Duty Navy Seals. I suppose it sounds pretty cool in a general sense and I admit that the action portion of the film, which seems to be the only portion of the film, looks like it will be exciting. However, I couldn't help but feel that this is just a big push for unnecessary American patriotism. I don't see what I can expect to get from this movie that I haven't already received from Saving Private Ryan, Band of Brothers, Ironman, etc.

OK, OK. It isn't a made up story about World War II or a series based on actual stories from WWII or a movie based on a real comic book. It is a movie portrayed by the people who are actually doing what the movie is about. That is pretty cool. But am I the only one who sees a problem with a movie being made using people who are not actors?

I suppose this wouldn't be the first time this has been done. There are plenty of documentaries. Avant garde art films. The Matrix trilogy.


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Where is that fucking email?!

I despise writing comics that need an explanation, but I think we've done pretty well so far when it comes to writing comics that need no real explanation. I don't know if you're aware, but when you buy things through iTunes it will only allow you to download your content to five (5) verified computers. For most people this isn't an issue, but for me it is quite the issue. I have reinstalled my operating system several times for reasons that are NONE OF YOUR GODDAMN BUSINESS! And every time that the OS is reinstalled I have to verify a new computer.

Allow me to at this point to explain iTunes' setup in a little more detail. Once upon a time you could only download your content five times. After that you had to purchase the item again if you wanted to download it more. This verification thing is a more recent development. Not that I'm complaining. It's a much better setup. But I felt this needed further explanation so that you know that I was not able to de-verify -un-verify?- my old computers as I am apparently able to do now.

So I had verified my last computer when I reinstalled my OS the time before this most recent time, which means that all my old content cannot be downloaded. Upon realizing that I could un-verify my computers I decided to see if I could do that with a computer I no-longer had so that I could get my music and stuff. I went to the ol' Apple website to see if I could do it through there. I searched and searched, but could find no way to take my old computers off the verification list.

At one point, however, Apple wanted me to verify my account information. This is where the comic actually begins. The screen said that they would send me an e-mail to verify my account, but the email never came. The page even offered a button I could press in case I did not receive the verification email. You can imagine the result. So there is my over the top explanation for my sub-par comic. Enjoy, dammit!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Moss hates Papyrus

It is my understanding that anyone that chooses to take a graphic design course will learn that the font type known as "Papyrus" is the very spawn of Satan himself. It is also my understanding that this is not because Papyrus is an inherently bad font, but rather that people who choose to use Papyrus (being people that, apparently, don't know shit about graphic design) use it incorrectly. Supposedly it is okay to use Papyrus if your business has an Egyptian theme.

Naturally, Moss has still bitched about Papyrus even when the business, movie, or other noun in need of a font has, in fact, been Egyptian themed.

Okay, maybe it was some other Middle Eastern or Mediterranean themed thing, but the area is generally the same so... does it really matter?

I find that we tend to get overly picky about small things. I do it all the time with music, but I feel that when I am actually creating music I know what it is I want to hear and I want it to sound good. So, yeah, I'm going to be picky about it. When I listen to other music I will make note when harmonies are off or people can't sing, but I know that I have my opinion and I just like being able to give examples of why I hate something.

In contrast, I think I get so annoyed about the Papyrus argument because it seems like before these graphic design classes no one even takes note of Papyrus. But, after they learn from a teacher that it is a horrible thing that should be thrown back into the fire from whence it came, all of a sudden it becomes the thing that makes the graphic design artist cringe.

Sure, it's not really any different, but I guess it's how people come at it that bothers me so much.

In other news, you might not be able to tell, but I double spaced between sentences for this comic. That's another graphic design faux pas that I hope will make Moss lose it when he reads this.

At least there's a solid reason behind the need to single space while using a computer. It's pretty hard to argue against that one.

The more you know.
