Friday, October 29, 2010

I guess this means...

We're back? I have to say, Moss, that your new comic has tickled me in ways that only you can truly understand. I especially like how, based on how I'm dressed in the comic, I clearly just got out of work. Perfect timing to smash your face with my music.

To the listeners: I don't know how often we'll be able to push out comics, but you have to look at this like a birth cycle. First the comic must be conceived. This is a delicate process that requires many intimate moments. Then we must allow the comic to gestate slowly over the course of several months (actual time may vary due to the possibility of preemies). And then finally we must give birth to the comic, which is entirely in Moss's hands. Yes, I am the man in this relationship and Moss gets ever closer to truly understanding what it means to be a woman. And, just like with real children, once the comic is born it goes out into the world on its own and learns to fend for itself.

Also, we're not gay.

Keep checking back for new comics. Who knows when they'll pop out next?


Saturday, October 16, 2010

Sunday, August 1, 2010

I swear...

We will put up new comics some day. We have so many good ideas, but we just haven't the time to draw them and edit them and put them on the site. If you're still reading this comic I am sorry.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Upcoming Show

It's Been a While

I don't have a comic for you all this evening, but I do have a taste of what could be the future of yew and me.

Maybe if I'm bored I'll do Ash next.

_Moss out

Sunday, March 21, 2010


We here at the old Yew and Me are going to be taking a bit of a break from making comics, as both of us are way too busy to comprehend, but do not fret! we will return, bigger and better than ever! It's also entirely possible we will toss in a comic or two if we have the time, but come summer, we will be back on our once a week schedule.

Over and out.

-The Management

Monday, March 8, 2010

An apology

As you may have noticed, there is in fact, no comic this week. An unfortunate event as this is, do not lament! there should with all hope be something for next week. The fact is that I am in Maine, with Ash soon to join me, as we are playing a show at Andy's Old Port Pub. So if you're in the Portland area, you should come out and see us! If not we should be delivering you a fine piece of comedic literature soon enough.


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A note from the artist

I too, apologize for the rampant lateness of the comic, I am, as Ash said already- quite busy. I'm currently working on a piece for a show that our friend Kohl is putting together, entitled "And the moral of the story is..." and being myself, I decided to wait until crunch time to finish things up. I will most definitely post the piece when I am done with it, if only to prove to you my extracurricular endeavors.

That being said there were a few things that I wanted to say about this weeks comic.

The first of which is that I hate the scanners in our library a great deal. I had initially planned for this weeks comic to be done in pencil, with some lovely shading, subtle nuances, soft tones, and other things that make you feel warm and fuzzy on your tender bits.

BUT ALAS! The great gods of scanning were not with us this night!

So instead I present to you a slightly different style of comic, I used India ink and a bamboo pen, and *drumroll* I colored it! but you would never know that from looking at it because once again...the scanners hate me, and do not scan in color.

I do hope you enjoy this weeks comic, however, because despite the devilry that is modern technology, i did enjoy making it. Ink has always held a special place in the shard of flint that I pass off as a heart, and I hope you enjoy its archaic simplicity as much as I do.

Over and out,

I know I know

Yes, the comic is a little late this week. We've both been really busy. Moss has been especially busy and being as he draws the comic his busi-ness tends to be our major drawback.

You'll notice that the style is new...again...

The pitch black of the ink splattered across the page brings me back to a simpler time. It reminds me of the ol' asylum. Boy, do I ever miss the Rorschach tests...

But as stated before, we are ever so busy right now. Natural Wood (our band) is going to be playing a gig up in Portland, ME. And that is "Maine" not "Me." So we've been pulling together set lists and practicing while struggling through midterms week.

So once again, I beg you for your forgiveness.

The Comic

Monday, February 22, 2010

The Creeping Moss

Hola, my fine feathered fans. I'm posting mostly for the sake of it, to lift the shroud of mystery that has been for so long draped across 1/2 of this most dynamic of duos.

I would, however like to take this time to say, as Samuel L. Jackson once did, to hold on to your butts- grasp them as you would a small Belgian midget who has just stolen your wallet. As I intend on taking you all on a lovely journey with me as I struggle with the technology of our times and eventually settle on how I want this comic to look.

Do not lament if you see things that frighten! confuse! or possibly arouse you. Just know that, like the misadventures you once had with your creepy uncle in the hall closet, it will all be over soon.

I hope he was gentle.


The things we do for you.

I hope you're happy...

You come home with your list of demands and we bend over backward to satisfy you. Maybe you are the bread winner, the bacon bringer, but we're the ones at home taking care of the children! We're the ones cleaning the house all day! We're the ones making your metaphorical steak and potatoes! But it's never quite enough is it? Maybe tonight you'll want to try something new in bed?

Well we're tired and our dainty little feet could use a good rub!

I hope you're happy...

Yew and Me: Proudly servicing their fans since the fifth comic.

Which you can see here.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Ongoing Quest for Technology

These statements are, topically, about a week late.

I'm sure, nay, positive, that we are not the first to make a point of Apple's latest endeavors, but we felt we could go a step further. Why look to past events when we can instead look to the future of the industry? To what other meaningless devices can we attach the prefix "i"? What can we expect these devices to do? And do we even care?

The answers lie within.

Here's the Comic.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Better late than never...

This week's comic is, admittedly, late. Do I mean deceased? No. Simply late. Yet it still reeks of the quality of previous comics submitted. Well, I think it does. I'll leave that to the judgment of you, the viewer.

After two weeks of wrestling (Greco-Roman not Professional) with Photoshop we've learned neither Moss nor I have the capability of squeezing the pulpy goodness from this wonderful tool. That was supposed to be an orange-juice metaphor, but I admit even I am a little worried about how it came out. This week, since we were visited by our good friend Matt, we had him do some "guest editing" for the comic.

You cannot possibly be disappointed.

...with the editing...

The quality of the comic is still your call.

Enjoy the Comic

Monday, February 1, 2010

Second as first. Louder and worse.

Our second comic follows the path of a conversation once had. Maybe we embellished the story a little, but I assure you the quotes are quite real (...well...sort of).

...Maybe they were embellished as well...

Journey onward with caution, gentle explorer, for the truths you may learn from the next three panels may not be truths you want to learn at all. And if you happen to have a roommate you would be wise to think carefully if he (or she) is capable of doing that which may be being done behind that door.

...I hope it's not being done on something that belongs to you...

Behold the Comic

Sunday, January 24, 2010

It Begins...

And so, with pen in hand, the mighty comic was wrought of ink and parchment (printer paper) that it might go forth and change the world...or not. This marks the beginning of a new era ushered in by the comic of the web (except we're hardly original at all).

This is for you...whoever you are...stop watching us...I feel dirty.

View the Comic